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Dissemination activities - Lithuania

Dissemination activities in the Web

About the project LTTA in the Kaunas John Paul II gymnasium website and gymnasium Facebook page

About the project LTTA in the Facebook Erasmus+| švietimo bendruomenė group

Good exchange practice

Local level exchange practice

Good exchange practice among local colleagus (lector Gerda Juodiškienė)

Regional level exchange practice

26.05.2020 LiveWorksheets presentation (lector Agnė Zlatkauskienė)
Participation in regional seminars good exchange practice for using digital tools in the lesson.

07.04.2021 Good exchange practise among local region (lectors Agnė Zlatkauskienė, Gerda Juodiškienė, Edita Brazauskienė)


National level exchange practice

14.02.2022 Good exchange practice among national colleagues. 

(The presentation is done by G. Juodiškienė, A. Gaidamavičienė, E. Brazauskienė, A.Zlatkauskienė. The presenter of the project implentation was A. Zlatkauskienė.)

" Išūkiai šiuolaikiniam matematikos ir informacinių technologijų mokytojams" (Challenges for contemporary  Maths and ITC teachers)


08.06.2022 Good exchange practice among national colleagues. (Lector A. Zlatkauskienė.)

Skaitmeninė kompetencija ir tarptautiškumas“ (Digital competence and internationality)

Online lessons

26 03 2021 Erasmus+ project “Utilizing the computers as a tool in studying – own knowledge acquiring”

started to conduct international lessons online. On March 22th our 9-12 grade students presented the lesson “K.Donelaitis The Seasons” for the project partners from Turkey Greece, Bulgaria and of course our local community participated. We were very proud of our school students and teachers who gave  a hand to get ready for the lessons and who were trying to implement the project despite the hardship in the world. Despite having the silent time, a good start pushed us to move forward, to share ideas and experience. The lessons were organized online, consequently, all the foreseen activities were fully implemented.


19 05 2021 Erasmus+ project “Utilizing the computers as a tool in studying – own knowledge acquiring” continued to perform international distant lessons. Kaunas John Paul II gymnasium’s 9-12 grades students conducted a Maths lesson “Exponents” for our project partners and our local community. We must be very happy that contemporary ICT possibilities allow us to share our knowledge, experience and ideas. We are very proud of our students who agree to help to have such lessons conducted.


Public Lessons at School

22 03 2021 Good exchange practice among local students;

Literature lesson about Kristijonas Donelatis


06 05 2021 Good exchange practise among our local gymnasium students. Math lesson "Exponents"


14 03 2022 - 18 03 2022 Maths lessons: "Roman numerals" and "Porcentage"

Before the visit to Greek the Math lessons were presented to our gymnasium students. For this presentation was the whole week devoted

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